Our 2023 Referral Recognitions
*Article also appears in The Prouty Pulse. What an amazing compliment for you to refer our organization to those you know. Bret Sutton Paychex Cheriti Swigart General Mills Cory Super Navitus Dean Kephart ServeMinnesota Jeff Moore AgriBank Jeff Swanhorst AgriBank Jen Hanlon Ash Ballinger Leafblad Jen Wothe Minnesota Construction Association Jim Horn […]

Shared Challenges, Unique Paths and a Blank Sheet of Paper
*Article also appears in Upsize Magazine and The Prouty Pulse. Leaders across industries, company sizes and ownership structures are facing similar challenges in today’s competitive environment. At the same time, these leaders are expressing their desire for a strategic planning process that starts with a blank sheet of paper and recognizes their unique way […]

Investing in Her
Since 2021, Prouty Project has sponsored a film at the Twin Cities Film Fest. October 2023 was no exception. We had a wonderful evening viewing the documentary Show Her the Money with 150 clients, friends, and supporters in attendance. To top it off, we got the chance to sit down with both Catherine Gray (producer) […]

More Than a Summer Internship – Five Aspects of The Prouty Project Our Intern, Kennedy, Will Miss the Most
I initially joined the Prouty Project for a two-week internship to meet my high school graduation requirement. However, as I got to know the remarkable Prouty team and saw their unique qualities, I decided I wanted to extend my stay throughout the summer. They warmly welcomed me as a new team member, and I cherished […]

Inspired Leadership
*Article also appears in The Prouty Pulse. According to Forbes, less than one percent of the 27 million companies in the United States are publicly traded. Among U.S. firms with 500 or more employees, 86.4 percent are privately held. While they might not grab the media headlines with regularity, private business is a driving […]

The Top Ten Reasons prouty i•will is the Place for You in 2024
When I was tasked with writing a blog post about prouty i•will, our women’s leadership development program, I was puzzled. How could I accurately depict prouty i•will in a way that was enticing, exciting, and truthful, while also not giving too much away? That’s when I remembered my dear old social studies teacher. In junior […]

Namibia STRETCH Expedition
After five years of planning, navigating the pandemic, and postponing and rescheduling, we finally made it to Namibia for our annual Stretch Expedition! In 2018, we started planning our Stretch to Namibia for April 2020, but we all know how that story ended. We rescheduled the trip four times before finally embarking on our adventure […]

Prouty Project’s Strategic Planning
*Article also appears in The Prouty Pulse. On January 5th, the Twin Cities were walloped by 12.4 inches of snow. While this wasn’t a record-breaking snowstorm to celebrate, the Prouty team gathered inside the warm Four Seasons Minneapolis to celebrate our own record-breaking year and look to the future sunny skies of the organization. […]

Speak Colorfully
To Convey the Plan, Speak Colorfully Once upon a time, a senior leadership team went on a retreat to create their organization’s strategic plan. As the dust settled, and their compelling one-page plan stood proudly on a flipchart, the smile of exhausted contentment on the faces of the leadership team slowly faded. Now came […]

Streeeeeeetch Yourself into the Grand Canyon!
Spending 14 days along 227 miles of the Colorado River challenged life as we know it. Technology, shoe care, microwaves, coffee makers, comfortable beds, and toilets: all left behind. Thanks to Arizona Raft Adventures and their amazing accommodations, we were not roughing it in the way that John Wesley Powell and his crew did in the […]