An Interesting Request

June 28, 2024 // Blog

*Article also appears in The 2024 Q3 Prouty Pulse.   TWIN CITIES FILM FEST • ON FIRE • OCTOBER 2024 In September of 2023, I got a text from my good friend, John “Johnny O” O’Leary, asking if we’d have an interest in investing in a movie about his life.   I said, “Wow, you […]

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Investing in Her

December 9, 2023 // Blog

Since 2021, Prouty Project has sponsored a film at the Twin Cities Film Fest. October 2023 was no exception. We had a wonderful evening viewing the documentary Show Her the Money with 150 clients, friends, and supporters in attendance. To top it off, we got the chance to sit down with both Catherine Gray (producer) […]

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