Leading for Legacy: Building Two of You Before You Go
To paraphrase the late great Ben Franklin, “nothing is certain, but death and taxes,” and I would add, “Senior Executive turn-over!” Our best people move up and move on. What isn’t as certain is how well we prepare people for those moves. And, how well we prepare organizations before they lose top talent. […]
Shared Challenges, Unique Paths and a Blank Sheet of Paper
*Article also appears in Upsize Magazine and The Prouty Pulse. Leaders across industries, company sizes and ownership structures are facing similar challenges in today’s competitive environment. At the same time, these leaders are expressing their desire for a strategic planning process that starts with a blank sheet of paper and recognizes their unique way […]
Namibia STRETCH Expedition
After five years of planning, navigating the pandemic, and postponing and rescheduling, we finally made it to Namibia for our annual Stretch Expedition! In 2018, we started planning our Stretch to Namibia for April 2020, but we all know how that story ended. We rescheduled the trip four times before finally embarking on our adventure […]
The “12 Aha’s of STRETCH” in the Grand COVID Canyon
We just returned from our 2022 STRETCH Expedition: The Grand Canyon (July 6 – 21). 227 miles and 163 rapids. Hiking, camping, whitewater rafting, and a few bouts of COVID. These were the things that STRETCHed us to our limits. It was an adventure, but none of us were alone. We tackled every challenge as […]
The Head, Heart and Hands of Leading Across Generations
The people in your organization born between 1982-2004 are not unique, special, or valued because they associate with the Millennial Generation. They are unique, special, and valued because they are individuals and they are part of your organization. Regardless of the generation(s) you find yourself leading, it’s about engagement and engagement encompasses the head, the […]