Employee Wellbeing: It’s Critical.

June 28, 2024 // Blog

*Article also appears in The 2024 Q3 Prouty Pulse.   In today’s dynamic and competitive business landscape, the spotlight on employee wellbeing shines brighter than ever before. Over the last few years, we’ve seen an increase in headlines such as:   “The Rise of the Chief Wellbeing Officer” “A ‘Dire Need’ for Mental Health in […]

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An Interesting Request

June 28, 2024 // Blog

*Article also appears in The 2024 Q3 Prouty Pulse.   TWIN CITIES FILM FEST • ON FIRE • OCTOBER 2024 In September of 2023, I got a text from my good friend, John “Johnny O” O’Leary, asking if we’d have an interest in investing in a movie about his life.   I said, “Wow, you […]

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Team Perspectives: To Stretch Is To Grow

June 26, 2024 // Blog

We devote the first Tuesday of every month to our team. Once a month, we intentionally create a space of community, rest, and alignment. This month, we asked our employees this: What was your last STRETCHING experience and what did you learn from it?   Our belief in the practice of stretch is captured by […]

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