The Top Ten Reasons prouty i•will is the Place for You in 2024
When I was tasked with writing a blog post about prouty i•will, our women’s leadership development program, I was puzzled. How could I accurately depict prouty i•will in a way that was enticing, exciting, and truthful, while also not giving too much away? That’s when I remembered my dear old social studies teacher. In junior high school, I had a teacher who was obsessed with late-night talk shows and top ten lists. While we were excited to get to watch television during class, many of us groaned. The jokes were never quite relevant to the lives of a bunch of thirteen-year-olds, and even the audience’s laughter seemed forced and inauthentic. Now as an adult, I love a quick top ten list! They’re easily digestible and can actually be pretty fun! That’s when the light bulb turned on—why not write a top ten list about prouty i•will?
So, while I’m no comedian and won’t be winning a Mark Twain Prize anytime soon, here are the Top Ten Reasons prouty i•will is the Place for You in 2024…no audience participation required.
10. You want to be like Olivia Newton-John and get “Physical” with accessible movement for all bodies…
ACCESSIBLE MOVEMENT FOR ALL BODIES—Working your body is just as important as working your mind. You can expect instances of movement throughout your time at our retreats; you will not just be sitting at a table all day. We hope our participants approach this with a curious mind and sense of adventure. But don’t worry, we don’t expect you to do crow pose or to run a marathon. We know all bodies move differently, and we create space and modifications for everyone.
9. A nine-day break from your constant Zoom meetings with coworkers, sounds like heaven…
RETREAT TO BEAUTIFUL SPACES—prouty i•will is a time for you to get out of your norm and breathe. Most of the time our participants are the ones taking care of others—at work and at home. So, we’ve been very intentional in choosing locations that create a space for you to feel comfortable and taken care of. This year, we’ve partnered with Wild Rice Retreat from Bayfield, Wisconsin for all three retreats. We hope this new home base will give you a space to disconnect from the outside world, be present as you begin your transformative journey, and connect with yourself in a one-of-a-kind environment.
8. You’re sick of a steady diet at work conferences of dry deli sandwiches and tasteless chicken salads…
FOOD THAT NOURISHES—We’ve all been to meetings or conferences with boring and bland chicken salads that keep your stomach growling the rest of the day. No one likes that embarrassment! This is not the case with prouty i•will. In fact, the James Beard recognized Nourishment Team at Wild Rice Retreat will create beautiful meals for you to enjoy—with an emphasis on local vendors and purveyors. These meals will delight, fuel, and sustain you throughout your time with prouty i•will, as well as create a special kind of charm that only the magic of Lake Superior can create.
7. You want to be seen for your true colors…
LET YOUR BLUE, YELLLOW, RED, GREEN ENERGY FLY—If you’re a long-time follower of Prouty or have been part of any of our engagements, you know how vital Insights Discovery is to our work. Our color energies also play an important part not only in who we are, but how we lead. At prouty i•will, these colors take center stage. You’ll learn all about your own color energies’ superpowers and how to appreciate the superpowers of others.
6. Driving a backhoe blindfolded and backwards, while also leading a horse, sounds like your typical Thursday—or it’s at least on your bucket list…
ELEVATED EXPERIENTIAL ACTIVITIES—While we like to keep our agendas a surprise, we can guarantee you will experience new things that challenge and stretch you in ways you haven’t imagined. We’ll have you participating in activities that you may have never expected at a leadership retreat. These activities and experiences make our program a truly unique, one of kind experience.
5. You think “DEIB” is the just the latest viral dance craze…
DOING THE DEIB WORK—Did you know that female leaders take more action to foster diversity and inclusion in employees than their male counterparts? We want you to learn more about your own DEIB journey, as well as give you the tools to go back to your companies, and your private lives, with the knowledge and confidence to step up, and have tough conversations.
4. You’re ready to move from your caterpillar/chrysalis goo stage to fully emerged butterfly…
GO FROM CATEPILLAR TO BUTTERFLY—At prouty i•will, we are in the business of full transformation. It isn’t for people looking for easy answers and formulas. It’s a place where, in nine short months, you not only gain knowledge and understanding at the cerebral level, but it is also our hope this understanding infiltrates your heart and soul. It’s the kind of transformation that loudly proclaims I can. I will. Watch me.
3. You would like your own personal team of cheerleaders (pom-poms not included)…
KNOWLEDGAGBLE AND EMPOWERING GUIDES—We might be a little bit biased, but we believe the facilitators you meet during prouty i•will are the best around. Each guide brings her own set of specialties and energies. You’ll be sure to find one you can connect with, who will not only be a mentor, but a cheerleader who will be rooting for you during our time together and for years to come. Think of them as your own personal “Board of Directors.”
2. You get lost without Google Maps—and there’s no street address for finding your life’s purpose…
YOUR PATHWAY TO PURPOSE—At prouty i•will, we believe that once you know your purpose, everything else falls into place. Embracing your purpose can transform every interaction you have in your life. At prouty i•will, we will give you the tools and experiences to make your way down the path.
And the number one reason you should consider joining prouty i•will cohort 4 (drum roll please)…
1. You need to grow your friend list on Facebook or connections on LinkedIn…
AUTHENTIC CONNECTIONS—Even in 2023, it can be hard to find women who are going through the same things you are. At prouty i•will, you will be in a room where women from many industries are gathered, and by the end of the cohort, they will all be a part of your sisterhood. Having trouble leading in a male dominated industry? Your accountability partner has been there. Nearing the end of your career and afraid of what retirement might mean? The woman you sit next to during meals is ready to walk that road alongside you. Brand new to the work force? You have a whole cohort of women who can give you the tips and insights to start your career strong and confident. Afterall, it takes a community to raise incredible leaders.
There you have it. While this list isn’t exhaustive and the ranking might be slightly arbitrary (in my humble opinion, everything about prouty i•will is top ten!), you can get a glimpse into what to expect with being part of our cohort.
If you feel ready to start building your path and embark on this journey with us, visit prouty i•will 2024 – Prouty Project to learn more, talk to a guide, or apply today!
Cue the applause. Go to commercial.