Stretch Expeditions

The idea of being stretched is more than an everyday exercise for The Prouty Project and our clients. It’s an annual expedition going back to 1999.

Thinking differently is only the beginning when clients, associates and friends join us on Stretch Expeditions to a world beyond our comfort zones. These adventures are meant to push the limits of our mind, heart and body. That’s when people become energized to think more strategically.

Joining The Prouty Project for a Stretch Expedition delivers tangible results. You develop a keener mindset to learn, gain a longer view of business and life, and stimulate a capacity for inner reflection, along with a greater sense of awareness. It makes you a stronger person, a more effective leader, and a better part of your community.

We invite you to join us on our next Stretch Expedition. You’ll never go back to your old dimensions.

Journey Back in Time. See Our STRETCH Expeditions Dating Back to 1999!